How Many Open Source Developers Sabotage Themselves

Despite that I have sold hundreds of titles over the years of very closed source products, I respect and support open source projects. I use open source projects every day. There are numerous open source products I pay for, too. That might seem a bit strange to those who see open source being synonymous with free. An open source project can be free, but its in its usage where it has value – its got to work when you need it to work – and that is the value point that many open source developers fail to grasp. Continue reading How Many Open Source Developers Sabotage Themselves

Valentina Office Server /5 is Now Free

Valentina Office Server is a combined database and enterprise ready reports server from Beaverton, Oregon-based Paradigma Software. Almost any individual or organization can now get a free copy of it -actually, up to three copies – one for each operating system: Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. With all the FOSS databases around, why Valentina? For one, you get an awesome reports server, and I have yet to come across a FOSS reports system to beat it. On the database end, Valentina is an extremely fast and modern columnar database. It can do so many things you won’t find in FOSS products.