Will Crimeans Vote to Become Russian on March 16?

A public referendum is coming in Crimea with a simple question: do we continue with Ukraine or with Russia? Of course the EuroMaidan backed Ukraine government rejects the legality of such a vote. Before rushing to accept that this is the appropriate right of determination weighed by a majority of a popular vote – consider if your country would or should allow its states, provinces and districts to, on a popular vote, secede?

If its not okay in your country, why is it okay in Ukraine?

Only those who support breaking away from Ukraine benefit from this vote. It does nothing to change the status quo if it fails, and provides justification of the will of the people if it succeeds. The perhaps subtle and missed message for many in the West is that this  isn’t just a vote by those who have strong ties to Russia, but its also a vote by those who feel the EuroMaidan supported coup in Ukraine is illegal.  You can be certain that only those who vote will be those who have strong feelings either way.

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